Are You Ready for the New Season with Latifa?

Date: 14.03.2023 10:39
Are You Ready for the New Season with Latifa?
Adapt the new season fashion that emphasizes strong women to yourself by taking inspiration from yourself.

Add Your Own Interpretation to Fashion

Fashion, a living concept, is in mutual interaction with the tendencies of individuals and societies. Fashion, which is sometimes entirely shaped by the general tendencies of the masses, sometimes only certain elements, also shapes the general tendencies of the masses.

When we talk about the fashion concept within the clothing sector, we can speak of "using fashion." Considering the fact that nonverbal communication is much more effective than communication based on words, we can conclude that appearance, as a nonverbal communication tool, is quite important. While determining our clothing and style that are tools of self-expression in the external world, we can use fashion in addition to our own tendencies. At this point, the issue of "using fashion correctly" comes to the agenda. Utilizing fashion correctly is essentially adding your own interpretation to fashion.

Autumn Winter Fashion in recent years comes with a story and a mission. Fashion, which cannot be thought independently of social events and issues, has a theme of "strong women" this season as a result of the increasing awareness of gender equality. We see designs that emphasize this theme in many pieces. Colors, cuts, and details resembling accessories are used to create an image of a confident woman. From this perspective, if you use the new season women's fashion correctly, that is, by adding yourself to it, you can highlight the independent woman with a solid footing inside you.

Breathing Colors

As you can see, the colors of this season are vibrant. By vibrant, we mean lively, not bright and attention-grabbing. Yes, this season is dominated by bright and attention-grabbing colors, but by "vibrant" here, we mean "life within." This season, colors are not painting the garments they are on but wearing them.
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